Spam Filtering Statistics 2017

Another spam filtering year is over. 2017 did bring us lots of spam waves and phishing messages. However, if we look back into 2016 and compare results of the same users, we can see that the number of spam messages overall is descending.
Natural disasters, cryptocurrencies and iPhone winnings were the most popular new spam messages along with old school fraud and lottery winning ones. Looking back into statistics of 2017 spam filtering we can see that there were 446.91 M messages filtered during last year and only 162.23 M (36%) of them were classified as valid messages.
Yes, that’s correct 283,42 M messages were blocked by our Spamsters which is 64% of the total number. A big amount of spam, you might think, but the good news is that garbage stays in your blocked list.
According to our statistics, most spam messages are being caught by our Spamsters during working hours. As we can see from charts, weekends are mostly free from spam (maybe spammers take care of themselves and have rest on Saturdays – Sundays).
If we take a look on monthly charts, we can see March being “the most spamming month”. Spammers wake up from hibernation? Hmmm, interesting. Luckily, our Spamsters do not sleep and always stay on guard 🙂
We may write couple more pages about spam, its types and provide more and more statistics, but lets not dig that deep. If you wish to count and share how many messages your personal Spamster filtered last year, we will be happy to see your comments 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Spamdrain Team